Get organised save time well im off to a wedding in New Zealend in a few weeks to be a Bridesmaid IT gonna be the first time besides being in hospital i have left my kids First time i have ever left the same state or even traveled overseas on a passport so a lil exciting BUT VERY NERVE RACKING its only for 5 days BUT 5 days is a long time when you have one that has disabilitys and needs 5 medications a day in morning and at night and 2 children with food allergies so i have been busy this week making all lunches and snacks to freeze for school everyday and this next week ill be making dinners so that it is all done and needs to be poped in microwave or oven .... ihere is a pic of my frezzers in my kitchen organised and ready

another hint if YOU like french toast you can make cook and freeze on trays when set rebag in bread loaf bag and pop one or two slices as you need in toaster saves time waste and yummy breaky in a hurry