Sunday, September 25, 2011

Taiys Life start and our faith all coming together

As a mum to a very special girl who is different and unique ,I am kept on my toes No day is ever the same and we try to keep rotine as much as we can to help her and help all of us ...she is the middle child But at times she is like the Youngest child if you havent meet us before then here is a lil about how taiy started Life she was Born on the 11/02/2005 , She came into this world after i had finnished Hormone treatment for cervical cancer and treatment for endometrois her pregnacy was a shock for us as i had been told it would be hard and take a while to have another baby BUT GOD had a different plan and he had this special lil girls he needed to come here , so Taiy was born she was born Blue with the cord around her neck and not breathing at the time of her birth i knew something was wrong as i vould see the look in everyones eyes and unlike madi i wasnt passed her to cuddle as she was born it wasnt till i latter watched the video footage i saw why ............. Taiy was never a baby that you could put down she rarley slept and as she got older it got harder and i got tired and worn out i was diagnossed with pnd and life went on i never really thort much to her develepment she was a lot slower than her older sister But you are told dont compare every child is different so i didnt age 1 she was rushed to emergency after waking up the morning after being in daycare for a day her face was blue and bruised .... she had a blood disorder and spent a few weeks in and out of hospital on meds ...... we made it to age 2 with only a few food reactions and the normal ilnesses still not a lot of sleep and couldnt leave her or put her down ..... age 3 after family wittnessing what we Called NORMAL everyday taiy and telling us it wasnt normal and we should seek help we started the road to what we hope will finally be sorted tomorow taiy was diagnossed adhd and after brain wave testing and several other testing epilepsy too she started a combination of meds at age 4 and started to get a lil calmer we got thru kindy and age 5 preprimary we have done several parenting classes ,OT and spech and Playtherepy This year has been a big difference she started on new meds which are LONGER LASTING and school she is able to concentrate and we finally get normal sleep only sometimes she wakes .... she still has to wear Pullups at night only But i have come to terms with that and im ok TOMOROW we start what we hope to be the journy into getting her last diagnoses which will in turn help her to get better help and more help her peadiatric team believe she has boarder line autism since starting a medication that autism children take we have sen a difference only thing is without the diagnoses WE have to pay FULL price for this medication and its PRETTY expensive as well as the different therepys and play classes that help her SO i hope tomorow will be the start of getting this answer on paper that we need so my beautiful lil angel can take her next step in life , I know most people would be asking for a complete healing for her not to have any ilness or conditions But God made her and he made her this way for a reason she is a very clever lil girl inside and comes out with such amazing things I believe GOd has an amazing plan for her and that her conditions will help her touch others one day , people who dont believe can call me crazy and insane But i have faith in god ,people say special people are chooses for special children so its kinda the same you need to have faith in heaven and it the lords work :)

Oreo Caramel slice


  1. 1 or 2 packs of oreos crushed
  2. 150g butter, melted
  3. 395g NESTLÉ Sweetened Condensed Milk
  4. 2 tbsp golden syrup
  5. 30g butter, extra
  6. 150g of your choice of Chocolate, melted

Preheat oven to 180C

Combine foreos and butter ingredients in bowl, mix well. Press into base of baking paper lined 18cm x 28cm lamington pan. Bake 10min, until golden.

Combine sweetend condensed milk, golden syrup and extra butter in pan, bring to boil stirring, reduce heat, simmer 5min stirring until a light brown colour and becomes caramel.

Pour caramel over cooked base, return to oven, bake further 10min, cool.

Spread cooking chocolate over caramel filling. Allow to set in pan before turning out. Cut into slices or squares to serve.