So think its about time i blog on helping other parents out there save time and possibly money :)
Saving time and money on lunches EASY PEASY !!!!
step 1
Buy bread in bulk i get about 4 loaves at once most places like brumbys bakers delight also have specials if you buy in bulk :)
step 2
Make them up same day while fresh with any spreads or meats then cut and put in containers like tupperware sandwich mates or in sandwhich bags i use both .... now they are ready to crab and put in lunch box next morning also you can label whats what or just make it a surprise for lunch everyday :)
step 3
SNacks - I cook batches of cupcakes mini size medium and slices to for cupcakes freeze them in giant seal bags laying flat take out as you need Slices- cut and gladwrap or lil seal bags . you can also freeze some with icing they taste great too or as a mum with kids with food alergies i ALWAYS have a cupcakes in freezer to grab ice and ready to take to partys :)
i make bags of popcorn with the kids they help by baging them and we fill a container thats ready in pantry to grab can also make packs with nutrigrain sultanas dried bannanas and so for treats.
Step 4
Have small juice type size refil bottles i make mine half water half juice freeze everynight during summer so it is nice and cool for lunch and bonus keeps lunch cool :)
AND THE BONUS is i save$$$ on juices, pre packed over priced foods , i know whats in the products and i never have to rush around in morning thinking oh no what to make or im running late or have to buy lunch orders YAYA and really is less hassle EVERY MORNING XXX
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