Monday, December 13, 2010
christmas is yet apon us,
as we turn from calm to insane us,
children on a hype from candy canes and yummy delights,
mothers go into wrapping overdrive,
dads chill out ,
and wonder why mum is pulling her hair out ,
it happens only once a year ,
But wait .. do you know the true meaning
christmas is not just about recieving ,
stop and remember the birth of jesus and the storys of yester year xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Busy as a Bee
Well havent posted for a week n bit its been flat out getting ready for christmas after the wedding and then all the end of year stuff between kids and lil q is turning three BUSY as A bee xxxxxx will upload some amazing lactose/dairy free recipies and some others too xxxx have a great week
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wedding and honeymoon
We are home from Our wedding and our 2 night honeymoon .......yayay
The wedding went amazing it ws a hot HOT day but the sea breeze came in just as i had prayed for AMEN ...
Our three beautiful children looked amazing and so well behaved , Matt looked incrediably sexy in his tux .. And I felt like a princess.
Thankyou to soooo soooo soooo MANY amazing people who helped and shared this amazing day with us it is the start of an amazing new journey of life for us and the kids .....
We are so RELAXED after our honeymoon it was 15 mins from home but it was so lovely no having to clean or worry about kids we just chilled out went for a drive in the swan valley , went out for dinner spent lots of time together just as us we have never done that .....
When we met i had madi already so we have always had children with us ....
Monday, November 15, 2010
2 DAYS to go Till wedding
With only 2 days to go things have been busy in our house.
We have sold a few more puppies YAY so less cleaning to do everyday heheh they are cute but the kids know they have there 2 dogs the puppies are to find there own familys.
today i ran around to all the coles in our area and brought all there white 24 pack bubbles for the wedding cant beileve i got them $7 a box and the party shops want $15 /$18 a box thats crazzy heheh so i saved a huge amount by looking around ....
today i will pack the kids bags as after wedding they are going for a sleep over so all there special foods and everything are packed and i will finnish packing mine and matts wedding stuff all thats left to do is get my toddlers hair trimed for wedding and its all GOOOOOgooo . We are all very excited i will definatly post photos after event xxxxxxxxx hope you are all having a great day xxxx
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Early Rise = super organised
Well was up at 4.30 am after not being able to sleep .....
It was great tho i was so organised, i had soy pancakes cooked for freezing for lunch box snacks and some for breakfast had the kids lil table set ready fruit all cut up for school share fruit and some for breakfast ...
I even made matt scrambled eggs bacon and mushroom altho he was surprised to have it waiting next to the bed at 5.30 am heheh .. I even got to drink a whole cuppa tea YAY heheh and then showered actually put make up on and was dressed and ready to wake kids up ... lunches also all packed dogs feed and put outside and even a load of washing hahaha . HOW awsome do i feel and no dirty dishes in the sink mmm Amen to the awsome organised day im gonna have haha i have my list of things to check and do during day .. Hope you all have an amazing day tooo XXXXXXXX
Well we have 8 days till the big day.
While my almost 3 year old was napping today i put all the Bonaire boxes together 100 of them.
I also got into and scrubbed the bathrooms the kitchen and caught up on all my washing YAY for me eheheh it feels great to feel like i have done lots in one day , Now if only we mums got awards for all the achievements we do every day , I even had time to make pumpkin, leek and capsican soup .......
Well nothing too exciting today, I did get to watch cars movie while cleaning kitchen my toddler kept saying look mummy look u watch mummy hehe too cute tho at the moment everything he says is but why mmmm forgot that stage with my other 2 .......
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saving time in the morning For 3 whole weeks! HOW you say?

So think its about time i blog on helping other parents out there save time and possibly money :)
Saving time and money on lunches EASY PEASY !!!!
step 1
Buy bread in bulk i get about 4 loaves at once most places like brumbys bakers delight also have specials if you buy in bulk :)
step 2
Make them up same day while fresh with any spreads or meats then cut and put in containers like tupperware sandwich mates or in sandwhich bags i use both .... now they are ready to crab and put in lunch box next morning also you can label whats what or just make it a surprise for lunch everyday :)
step 3
SNacks - I cook batches of cupcakes mini size medium and slices to for cupcakes freeze them in giant seal bags laying flat take out as you need Slices- cut and gladwrap or lil seal bags . you can also freeze some with icing they taste great too or as a mum with kids with food alergies i ALWAYS have a cupcakes in freezer to grab ice and ready to take to partys :)
i make bags of popcorn with the kids they help by baging them and we fill a container thats ready in pantry to grab can also make packs with nutrigrain sultanas dried bannanas and so for treats.
Step 4
Have small juice type size refil bottles i make mine half water half juice freeze everynight during summer so it is nice and cool for lunch and bonus keeps lunch cool :)
AND THE BONUS is i save$$$ on juices, pre packed over priced foods , i know whats in the products and i never have to rush around in morning thinking oh no what to make or im running late or have to buy lunch orders YAYA and really is less hassle EVERY MORNING XXX
Monday, November 1, 2010
life want lists for my birthday
Has been asked for my birthday to write a list of ten things i want in life its really hard to think most the things on my list i would like in the next 12 months .........
1. go to my friends wedding in nz next year to be her bridesmaid
2. do the course at church starting in jan for 12 months
3. with doing that course do a mission trip and help run woman confrance in september 2011
4 .breakfast in bed
5. flowers
6. go to the movies with matt
7. have my honey moon feel romantic and special
8. complete body pamper like body wraps and feet and nails and all sorts
9. my cd/stereo player fixed i miss my in house music with loud bass amps
10. a house of our own
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
wednesday 27th oct

Today it was my Friend krissys birthday i made her a cute Giant cupcake :) and went to woman's connect at church with her and another friend and then back to have lunch and eat cake ...it was so funny i had 4 baby car seats in my car and three mums haven't had the car that packed full of people in a while :) was fun kids all had fun and we even got all of them to sleep while driving :) any way lots of lil things to do leading up to the wedding in 23 days i will try to remember to add a blog here and there well for now may god bless you in all ways possible been going through some stuff of late and reading Isaiah 41;10 is my fave atm xxxxx
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wow what a crazy sunday we had so tired this afternoon (Monday ) with the two older children at school quinten decided not play peacefully we tried tv time watching thomas tank engine but noooo instead he decided he wanted to tip all the prunes and dried apricots in a bowl to eat mm then he decide he was not going to wear a pull up aww toilet training third time round is nooo fun or maybe its just a boy thing i dont know ..well we managed to get the boy dog to the groomers today he looks soo cute with his hair cut , kinda tried to clean and did half the phone calls and jobs on my list tomorow is tuesday my child free day SOOOO much to get done tomorow hope i get it done any way 25 days to go till the big day so over and out as kids are eating dinner and i have to get ready for p&c meeting at school tonight .... blog soon xxxxxxx
Saturday, October 23, 2010
These are molly and buddy's 2nd litter of mini/ toy poodles born on the 26th september we have 3 girls two boys .... they are sooooo cute and growing amazing lil personalitys everyday xxxx
puppys having family cuddle time
lil girl puppy playing with Q
mm LOOks like a lil polor bear too cute
and a few days old with there mumma miss molly :)
wedding nesting ?
Well with 27 days to go (no im not counting not at all) my moods have been all over stressed (altho children do that to you any ways ) teary ,Hungry ,cleaning and more cleaning today was insane its sat my 2 youngest Q n T wake soooo early its insane and they are hungry as soon as the eyes pop open (truely NO JOKE ) so my partner leaves for work and up i get to start my day so first things first as i dont want them starving and fading away to nothing hehe breakfast thats always a mission in our house my middle child has ADHD ,epilepsy and is under going testing for borderline autism every day is a different world with her (no matter what i put out for brekfast she will always want something else so yup our mornings start with screams crying and anything else you could imagin (I dream of morning where everything is calm and runs perfection)okso then i decide oh ill hang a load of washing out yes at 7 am crazy i know , open the door to walk out side and HELLO mr duigite snake (i scream eek or something as i hate snakes which is funny as my partner loves snakes and wants one as a pet mmm NO WAY ) so the kids come running over ..... now q is like mummy and isnt a liker of snakes , the other two are a bit insane like there daddy and want to go see outside ......... i freak and ring my partner he causually says just go outside put something on it (um let me think ehh NO ) in the meantime i decide i need to chill out and go have a shower to think how im gonna be able to go see if it is alive or not ........feeling a tad better more awake i keep looking out door mm its not moving maybe it is dead ??..... so i get a tool from carport (partners a handyman/landscaper we have sharp tools ready to go ) i take a deap breath and out i go making sure kids stay inside and dont follow ...... so it looks dead i try to lift it with LOOOOOOONG handled tool but it still freaks me out , sad to admit it my 7 year old comes to the rescue and picks it up with a sandpit spade (lucky she doesnt take after me as a chicken ) ok so it looks like it was torn in half by our poodles so we look around and find on the other side of the garden there is the tail end and wow it was a lot longer then we thort ..... so after all that drama of the morning i managed to get washing out get kids dressed and they got picked up for a few hours so i could rest mmm :)
DID i rest you ask mmm no after i had some one come look at tyers /rims my partner was selling i waited while buyer went to bank so i started cleaning carport stuff and tidying .... then kids left and i went in to finish my middle daughters room stuff was everywhere i hang up all the clothes storted her draws found all her shoes threw lotsa stuff in bin made up give away clothes bags and searched under bed finnaly finnishing by vacuming it PEWW that was full on i decide mm vacume on hand may as well vacume other kids rooms and rest of house .......
Next more washing out checked on puppys and moped bathrooms and then had a small salad ,, uploaded stuff to sell on line then thort mmm after that snake i dont like the trees hanging so low so out i went to cut cut cut about 6 wheelbarrows latter im done kids come home inbetween and so does partner from work ........before i know backyard is looking great time to go inside ,,,,,
everybodys eaten bathed and to bed eldest already asleep as she came home with a head ach again and aid she doest feel good ....
dishes all done moped again thx to Q n T making mess when eating (no matter what it is ill bet they will get it everywhere) T is given her night meds Q cuddles with daddy on couch i decide to re sort freezer and my tupperware cupboards mm all done feels great to have order in place ..... (even when i know it doesnt last more than maybe a day or two if lucky ) kids are put to bed tired from being out having fun and playing at park :) yayay and here i am starting this blog and doing emails ,facebook and my list for tommorow :) Night all xxxxxx
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