People often tell me well if you are tired and worn out stop taking on so much !!!!
THATS easy for them to say ...........
My weeks are crazy and mashed into a spare hour here or there Im a mummy to 3 very specail different children my eldest has a LOT of food alergies dustmites and so on she is having more testing as we kept things fairly good for 9 years and now her body is deciding to reject more foods and other stuff AS a very keen Gymnast who plans on reaching her goals to go to the olympics one day and trains super hard at the gym and at home Her health is super important ..........
child number 2
Well never really slept from birth onwards in nearly 8 and has a range of things adhd ASD Epilepsy And food alergies too we are in and out of playtherapy ,OT , PEADS, doctors, socailworkers ,more therapys and so on taiy dreams of also one day Competing in the olypics she says she wants to do specail olympics and normal she is very sporty very strong and very stuborn so i know she can make this happen if thats what she wants ..............
The boy in the family :)
Was such a lovely easy going baby and toddler food alergies YES .....
But not to much then as he got older he stoped talking for a while and as he got older become really agressive and angry at first we thort ohh its just testostrone hormones he will balance out soon :( sadly he was recently after turning 4 diagnosed with ODD we trieled some meads as well as we are on a strick additive free preservative free diet wich helps a lil bit We stoped the meads as it was not LIFE changing wow and are living day by day HE can be very loving and has a huge fan bas of kids that seem to adore him ...... BUT he can snap and scare the crap out of anyone i have had many injurys it sadness me to see him change we never know when its going to happen if someone talks to him wrong or upsets him or he is over tired so on and so on he snaps I worry about the future if we cant get it under control xxxxxxx we also believe he is asd as he is super bright super quirky and other stuff But getting him tested is going to be a long prosess like it took with my eldest ......(even though socail workers and people close to us can see he is on the spectrum xxxx
Any how im a mum a cook cleaner nurse and the list goes on ................................
life is full of Ups and downs nothing can be predicted Organised and catrised to how we like there is NO such thing as a PERFECT FAMILY ,PERFECT LIFE OR perfect Child every one has mistakes ups n downs and things hidden :) I try to put my crazieness out there to help others see that they DO NOT NEED to pretend they are OK or PERFECT .............IM far from it Im crazy Insane and a touch of mental with a side of wacky BUT i love my children even when i rant .........................
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
ITS been a while
WOW so its been a while since i blogged ...
what can i say life is busy and never stops .
so what has been happening we finally got accepted by the cerebral palsy association for social work and to and so on for taiy and they are working with us as a whole family, we get weekly in home visits ,which makes life easy as i drive here there and everywhere all the time and its easier in home kids have there surroundings i can have tea ready to go and bath as soon as appointment over ...................altho life at the moment is mentally draining .....................sometimes i feel so alone like im going crazy ,dont get me wrong i have an amazing hubby that is hard working and as he can for our lil family .........and i love him even more for this BUT dealing with social workers teachers schools doctors and JUST everyday kids stuff really takes its toll I would not change ever ever having my babies But when you have a baby you really really never ever prepare for different No one ever tells you how scary tiring and hard it is when things dont go By the soo called book .....................i just want to say again i would never change ever having them i refused testing for down syndrome during all 4 Pregnacys as i vowed to love and care and have my babies no matter what ............i guess the hardest thing is no family support i see other familys those with special needs children and those with (normal )children and they just have the most amazing familys if the kids are sick people come watch them while parents are work .......... Holidays weekends away i do get jelouse when i see all this i reach out and get a response of you have a husband he can help ................... i would Love to go to a 1 day womans conference at my church in 3 weeks BUT hubby is booked to work 7 days a week for the next few weeks and we have no one to come hang out with our kids for the day so yes im jelouse LIFE and people can suck ..................... i cant wait to be a nanny so i can look after my grandbabys take them for a weekend a day be there as much as i can because children and also parents need extra people in there life ..................sadly both our families sides are not like this But we vow to be different ..............
AM i sorry if i offend or upset anyone with my posting of this blog NO i will not apologise for feeling alone Tired WORN OUT ,and a tad insane and crazy ...........
YES i have a husband.......... who is working like crazy to attempt to give me and the kids a home that is ours that is stable,safe , we barley sleep ,dont get us time together and i most days am trying to keep my head above water so that i do not drown although sometimes i do feel its a never ending nightmare repeating its self gasping for air but sinking down and down into the darkness of the ocean waves trying to swallow me whole
what can i say life is busy and never stops .
so what has been happening we finally got accepted by the cerebral palsy association for social work and to and so on for taiy and they are working with us as a whole family, we get weekly in home visits ,which makes life easy as i drive here there and everywhere all the time and its easier in home kids have there surroundings i can have tea ready to go and bath as soon as appointment over ...................altho life at the moment is mentally draining .....................sometimes i feel so alone like im going crazy ,dont get me wrong i have an amazing hubby that is hard working and as he can for our lil family .........and i love him even more for this BUT dealing with social workers teachers schools doctors and JUST everyday kids stuff really takes its toll I would not change ever ever having my babies But when you have a baby you really really never ever prepare for different No one ever tells you how scary tiring and hard it is when things dont go By the soo called book .....................i just want to say again i would never change ever having them i refused testing for down syndrome during all 4 Pregnacys as i vowed to love and care and have my babies no matter what ............i guess the hardest thing is no family support i see other familys those with special needs children and those with (normal )children and they just have the most amazing familys if the kids are sick people come watch them while parents are work .......... Holidays weekends away i do get jelouse when i see all this i reach out and get a response of you have a husband he can help ................... i would Love to go to a 1 day womans conference at my church in 3 weeks BUT hubby is booked to work 7 days a week for the next few weeks and we have no one to come hang out with our kids for the day so yes im jelouse LIFE and people can suck ..................... i cant wait to be a nanny so i can look after my grandbabys take them for a weekend a day be there as much as i can because children and also parents need extra people in there life ..................sadly both our families sides are not like this But we vow to be different ..............
AM i sorry if i offend or upset anyone with my posting of this blog NO i will not apologise for feeling alone Tired WORN OUT ,and a tad insane and crazy ...........
YES i have a husband.......... who is working like crazy to attempt to give me and the kids a home that is ours that is stable,safe , we barley sleep ,dont get us time together and i most days am trying to keep my head above water so that i do not drown although sometimes i do feel its a never ending nightmare repeating its self gasping for air but sinking down and down into the darkness of the ocean waves trying to swallow me whole
Saturday, May 19, 2012
COOKING sunday
So today i stayed home and spent the day doing some organising then cooking
On the menu was
Vegi Curry puffs
Chocolate dairy free lactose free Brownie
Rice Bubble dairy Gluten free slice
Oat slice
Pizza slices
everything i made can be frozzen so we have lunches, dinner, snacks ,
recipes to follow at page
I used 5 sheets of borgs vegan pastery sheets (i always keep them on hand in frezzer)
4 large potatoes (i did not peel just cut and steam I use my thermomix and put them in the basket for 18minutes with the
1 carrot choped in chunks
I then added curry powder handfull of frozzen corn and peas and onion and a cube of spinach
and about 2 table spoons of sunflower oil and mixed in the thermomix till combined then i spooned desired amounts onto my pastry that i cut into triangles or what ever shape desired and cookes in a pre heated fan forced over for about 10 minutes on 150 or untill golden then put on bench to cool :)
you can then wrap or container them to have in lunch boxes or for fast dinners :)
CHOCOLATE dairy free free Brownies
On the menu was
Vegi Curry puffs
Chocolate dairy free lactose free Brownie
Rice Bubble dairy Gluten free slice
Oat slice
Pizza slices
everything i made can be frozzen so we have lunches, dinner, snacks ,
recipes to follow at page
I used 5 sheets of borgs vegan pastery sheets (i always keep them on hand in frezzer)
4 large potatoes (i did not peel just cut and steam I use my thermomix and put them in the basket for 18minutes with the
1 carrot choped in chunks
I then added curry powder handfull of frozzen corn and peas and onion and a cube of spinach
and about 2 table spoons of sunflower oil and mixed in the thermomix till combined then i spooned desired amounts onto my pastry that i cut into triangles or what ever shape desired and cookes in a pre heated fan forced over for about 10 minutes on 150 or untill golden then put on bench to cool :)
you can then wrap or container them to have in lunch boxes or for fast dinners :)
CHOCOLATE dairy free free Brownies
2 eggs
1 cup sugar (i use raw brown sugar)
125 grams melted butter
1/2 cup Self Raising flour( and i also use wholemeal flour )
5 tablespoons cocoa( i use a gluten dairy nut free organic one )
1 tablespoon vanilla (to help make it nice and moist) (i also have a home made one i use)
Icing sugar - to sprinkle on top once cool.
How to:
Beat the eggs, butter and sugar together.
Add the cocoa, flour and vanilla and mix again.
Bake in a moderate oven (180 degrees) for about 20-30 minutes. It should be dense and fudgy.
Sprinkle with icing sugar once cool.
- 4 cups Rice Bubbles (i use a gluten free Type )
- 4 tablespoons golden syrup
- 1 tablespoon icing sugar
- 2 tablespoons butter (dairy free )
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder (Organic gluten dairy nut free)
- 3 drops of vanilla essence (home made )
- 100's and 1000's (sprinkles)i choose to grate dairy free white chocolate on mine less nasty colours the better
Put syrup, sugar and butter and cocoa powder into a pan, and melt whilst stirring until everything is smooth and combined.
Remove from heat, add vanilla essence and Rice Bubbles.
Mix well and press well into a greased lamington pan. Mark into squares.
Alternatively, divide mixture between 12 patty cases in a muffin tin.
Put in the fridge to set.
Store in an airtight container in the fridge.
Remove from heat, add vanilla essence and Rice Bubbles.
Mix well and press well into a greased lamington pan. Mark into squares.
Alternatively, divide mixture between 12 patty cases in a muffin tin.
Put in the fridge to set.
Store in an airtight container in the fridge.
- Melted butter, to grease
- 75g (1/2 cup) self-raising flour
- 75g (1/2 cup) plain flour
- 90g (1 cup) rolled oats added extra oats to also replace the coconut
- 70g (2/3 cup) desiccated coconut I MADE MINE WITH OUT THIS I ADDED EXTRA FLOUR INSTEAD
- 140g (2/3 cup, firmly packed) brown sugar
- 130g (2/3 cup) sultanas
- 95g (1/2 cup) choc bits (i used dairy lactose free choc drops)
- 125g butter, melted, cooled (DAIRY FREE lactose free)
- 1 egg, lightly whisked
I doubled my ingrediants and removed cconut as we have a child that cant eat coconut and neither can i xxxxx
280 g. water or milk (or combination thereof)
1 Tbsp granulated yeast (instant or regular)
25 g. oil
500 g. flour
2 tsp. salt
corn meal (optional, for spreading on baking sheet)
1 Tbsp granulated yeast (instant or regular)
25 g. oil
500 g. flour
2 tsp. salt
corn meal (optional, for spreading on baking sheet)

- Put water/milk, and oil into Thermomix bowl and mix for 30 seconds/37°C/speed 1.
- Add yeast and mix for 5 seconds/speed 3.
- Add flour and salt and mix for 6 seconds/speed 8.
- Knead dough for 2 minutes on interval speed.
- Remove dough, from into a ball, and place into a slightly greased bowl or baking mat to rise till doubled (about 30-60 minutes, depending on yeast type used.) See additional tip about rising below.
- Divide dough in half (for two large pizzas, or into four if making smaller individual sized pizzas) and allow dough to rest for 15 minutes and then form into pizza shape using hands and/or rolling pin before fitting it to the baking pan or pizza stone. (See additional tip about cornmeal below)
- Add toppings of choice and bake in a hot oven at about 220°C (425°F) for about 20 minutes. Timing will depend on toppings used.
- Preheat oven to 180°C. Brush a 17 x 27cm (base measurement) slab pan with melted butter to lightly grease. Line the base and 2 opposite long sides with non-stick baking paper, allowing it to overhang.
- Sift the combined flours into a bowl. Add the oats, coconut, sugar, sultanas and choc bits, and stir to combine. Make a well in the centre and add the melted butter and egg. Use a wooden spoon to stir until well combined. Spoon mixture into prepared pan and use the back of a spoon to smooth the surface.
- Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. Remove from oven and set aside to cool completely. Cut into squares to serve.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Easter Long tired AND jesus came alive
me after a long day a lOOONG week and yes i have the most awsome super cool Pjs from last winter My Owls xxxxx I know im JUST SOO SUPER naturally super model material I can sooo pull of the owls hahahahah This is to show i am HUman hahahaha NIGHT ALL have an amazing easter Bunny has been and left Kids coloring sheets stickers easter decorate masks and bannana chips in plastic eggs lil fluffy chickens and 1 lactose free dairy free sweet williams Lil bunny choc BEACAUSE EASTER does not need to be about filling children with nasty sugars and chemicals additives and preservatives The whole CHOColate Over endulge was created BUY Big companies to get more and more money out of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx take care and have a super safe and happy happy easter everyone xxxxx Tomorow is the day jesus came alive again as quoted By my amazing clever specail Lil 4 year old man xxxxxxxxx so with that i must have faith we will over come all thrown our way and be stronger and do more greatness
Friday, April 6, 2012
(This is OUr world Alone tired emotionally wrecked )
WHAT its only 10;30 sobs it feels like late afternoon Taiy is all over the place today we went early to shops before it got busy to get a few things needed for tomorows lunch but she started freaking out and that just set her off on a spiral :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that and her routine has been broken with school holidays deep breaths i have loads of cooking and cleaning and hubby working all holidays im praying we get respite help before next school holidays AS i REALLY REALLY AM NOT COPING I try to hold things together But i am NOT super woman like i pretend living with children with special needs is mentally, phyisacly ,emotionally draining AND for thos who are always behind mt back SAYING she is NOT THAT bad and does NOT have a disability YOU dont see her UN medicated Or behind closed doors .. YES she can ct and be normal but only for small amouts of time Holding her self in causes her and us more issues behind closed doors Only very few see her and still love her for HER ... MY day is spent going around on a rollercoaster so before you judge me stop and think about that your children and there LIL meltdowns are nothing to the ones we get chuncks ourta walls broken furniture bruises from protecting them from hurting them selves xxx Got that off my chest i feel a tad less tearfull YES I LOVE MY CHILDREN YES THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT CANT HAVE CHILDREN AND i am lucky to have them BUT when they are special It is emotional xxxxxxxxxx
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Feeling BLUE Living Life WITH children and disabiltys
Life as a mummy to a child or children with disability's can be lonely,
I sadly have pushed away most connections to have friends or make new friends ....
Yes i know stupid it sounds its not that i don't want to be sociable .......
Its because Not everyone can handle seeing the other side of my children ,I get sick of stares ,i get sick of remarks of how rude or naughty or uncontrollable my child is or how they must need a good smack ,I get sick of people making comment's also behind my back thinking I'm a bad mum ...
YES i am far from being the perfect mum i LOSE it (alot) i scream (often) i cry (most days) BUT i try to make the most of what we have. everything I do is for my baby's .
I have done all the parenting types of behaviour groups...
The thing is when you have a child or children that isn't so to speak (NORMAL ) those techniques they give you just don't cut it.... A normal child would care if you took something they loved of them , or sent them for 5 Min's time out or told them they could not do something like going to a friends party ....
A CHILD like Mine well they just don't care or don't show they care ....
Sadly there is not Much support for mums like me Most of us turn to Internet community for out reach and comfort ,support and help......
I am a mum to a child aged 7 with adhd/Pddnos-autism , epilepsy and a 4 year old that is undiagnosed who has a lot of anger and aggression issues , I also have a 9 year old who struggles to deal with having full on sibling's ..
Mornings and nights i feel like a Nurse measuring out medications ,making sure they are swallowed and not being spat Out or hidden ,Its tiring Bed times take forever and are full of tantrums ,screams , We don't have a normal life ,we cant Just decide oh we are going to the movies or OUT for dinner with or with out the kids , its hard finding some one to babysit ,it takes planning to let the children know what is happening days in advance to avoid FREAK OUT' S . and its super stressful to a Marriage .......
To pay for Play therapys ,medications ,peads Bills and then Normal things like dance class and Gymnastics so our children can strive for some normality's means LONG hours of work ,sacrifice on your own health and well being and appearance ,
I very rarely Buy my self pretty new clothes and if i do its because i saw them mega discounted for like $10 or under shoes i get cheap comfy ready to run after children type shoes , My hair i do make an effort to get this done atleast 2 times a year i usually get some highlights or something nice around November for my birthday and so i don't look so tragic at Christmas , my nails rarely painted or pretty don't even look at my feet hahaha .......I don't buy coffees or go for Lunches or DRINK it just isn't a NEED I rather spend money on my children and helping them reach there life goals ...
Sometimes i feel i have failed I have not really done Much at all with my life before children 'I WORKED hard my job or jobs meant everything at 18 i was working 3 jobs id start at 4;30 am and finish at midnight , i have NO diplomas or fancy certificates behind me I have Hospitality in my blood and no the ins and outs of a cafe and kitchen . I have done Senior First aid and training on using an epi pen, i have 18 years experience with children 9 of those spent with learning and adjusting life to children with allergies and then disability's I'm 29 this year and sometimes i feel worn out like I'm 50ish which is sad BUT its a fact of life ,
I'm lucky to have a strong husband who although I'm sure wants to run in the other direction is determined to stay at our side ,
alot of marriage's do not with stand the test and trials of living life with children with disability's But we are Both determined ...God designed MARRIAGE for Life . and our love with always pull us Thru xxxxxxxxxxx
Friday, February 3, 2012
Starting a New Face book cooking blog
I am always cooking people alays ask me tips and Hints so i decided I will start a blog it is Kelz cooking Blog check me out on facebook I hope it helps and Inspires others :)
Monday, January 2, 2012
deCluttering A constaint Working progress
- On my search on the internet i have come across a web site with great ideas here are what they say .
- Declutter for 15 minutes every day. It’s amazing how much you can get through if you just do it in small increments like this.
- Don’t allow things into the house in the first place. Whether you’ve begun decluttering the living space, or you’ve just completed it, stop bringing in new stuff NOW. Even if that’s ALL you do and don’t start decluttering immediately, if you can only establish one habit at a time, establish the no-more-stuff habit first. This way, when you do get to decluttering the existing stuff, you’ve already stopped making it worse. Think of bailing out a boat with a hole in it. You can bail and bail, but it won’t do anything for the leak.
- Donate stuff you’re decluttering, so you don’t feel bad about wasting it.
- Create a Joe’s Goals chart with decluttering on it — either daily, or 3 times a week. Check off the days when you declutter, and you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment.
- Start at the corner by the door and move your way around the room, doing the superficial stuff first – surfaces, empy the bin etc. Repeat, but do more the 2nd time around – ie. open the cupboards.
- Whenever you’re boiling the kettle for tea, tidy up the kitchen. If the kitchen is tidy, tidy up the next room – it’s only 3 minutes but it keeps you on top of everything (helps if you have an Englishman’s obsession with Tea as well!)
- Use the “one in, two out” rule. The rule: whenever you bring in an item, you have to throw away two other items. First you cheat, by throwing out two pieces of paper, but soon you will have to move to big stuff.
- Make your storage space smaller and more minimal. If you have lots of storage, you’ll fill it with stuff.
- Clothing rule: If you haven’t worn an item in 6 months, sell or donate it.
- The One-Year Box. Take all your items that you unsure about getting rid of (e.g. “I might need this someday…”), put them in a box, seal it and date it for 1 year in the future. When the date comes, and you still didn’t need to open it to get anything, donate the box WITHOUT OPENING IT. You probably won’t even remember what there was in the box.
- Declutter one room (including any closets, desks, cabinets, etc.) before starting on the next one. Spending time in that room will feel *so* good, and it will be so easy to keep clean, that it will motivate you to do more!
- Keep a list in your planner labeled “Don’t Need It – Don’t Want It.” When you’re out shopping and run across some kind of gadget or other item you crave, note it down on the list. This will slow you down long enough to reconsider. Also, seeing the other things on the list that you nearly bought on impulse really helps.
- Internalize that your value is not in your “stuff”. It is just “stuff”. And realize that your value grows when you share your “stuff”. Hoarding is a selfish act.
- Have someone else (who you trust!) help you go through things. They don’t have the (sometime’s irrational) emotional attachment that you might have, but can still recognize if something should be kept.
- Gift everything. Books you’ve read immediately get recycled among friends, family or local libraries. If you buy a new gaming system, donate your old one – and all the games.
- This came from
- I PLAN TO TRY TO START THIS If the kids let me have 1 Day to do so i need to get a new tub to pack winter jackets into and then a box and a bag 1 for throw away ,one for give away and one for garage sale :) i will let you know how i go xxxx
No Pocket MONEY instead TIME on Ipods or computerd Instead
So this is the Kids new charts for 2012 No pocket Money instead ipad ipod or computer or nintendo and tv time
WASH dry &put away dishes = 30 minutes
Set the table for dinner = 10 minutes
Feed the dogs /check dogs water = 15 minutes
Changing and cleaning bird food & water = 15 minutes
Clearing dishes from the table = 10 minutes
Wiping the table after dinner = 5 minutes
Vacuuming the kitchen = 15 minutes
Vacuuming under the table = 15 minutes
Vacuuming the lounge room = 30 minutes
Vacuuming the hallway = 10 minutes
Vacuuming the bedroom = 15 minutes per bedroom
Keeping room Tidy for a week= 30 minutes
Tidying up toys = 5 minutes
Tidying books = 5 minutes
Listening And doing as u Are told = 10 minutes
Folding a basket of washing = 30 minutes
Emptying Lunch bags and having bags re packed = 30 minutes
It starts TONIGHT :)
got the idea from www.simple
WASH dry &put away dishes = 30 minutes
Set the table for dinner = 10 minutes
Feed the dogs /check dogs water = 15 minutes
Changing and cleaning bird food & water = 15 minutes
Clearing dishes from the table = 10 minutes
Wiping the table after dinner = 5 minutes
Vacuuming the kitchen = 15 minutes
Vacuuming under the table = 15 minutes
Vacuuming the lounge room = 30 minutes
Vacuuming the hallway = 10 minutes
Vacuuming the bedroom = 15 minutes per bedroom
Keeping room Tidy for a week= 30 minutes
Tidying up toys = 5 minutes
Tidying books = 5 minutes
Listening And doing as u Are told = 10 minutes
Folding a basket of washing = 30 minutes
Emptying Lunch bags and having bags re packed = 30 minutes
It starts TONIGHT :)
got the idea from www.simple
MY 2012 Goals
This years Goals
MORE Natural FOODS less packet FOODS
More family Quality TIME
Start dancing Again
Join zumba :)
Family walks or bike rides 1xweek
Start Scrap-booking again :)
Individual Time with each child on own
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